Monday, September 6, 2010

First Day of School - 2010

It is the EVE of the first day of school for my beautiful and energetic Nyla and my kind and gentle Jordan. They are filled with life and excitement. Nyla a newly crowned 5th grader and Jordan a humble 2nd grader. Both with high expectations and a bizillion questions as to what tomorrow will bring. "Maybe we will do this.... or maybe we will do this...." My response is always "we will find out tomorrow but I am sure it will be great!"
Their new school clothes have been carefully chosen and perfectly laid out for tomorrows big day. Daddy has painted Nyla's nails a vibrant shade of green with white smiley faces on them. Jordan is hoping he will be able to sneak some of dads cologne so he can smell "pretty".

What will tomorrow bring....?
I have a different perspective on this day.
Nyla - boundless energy and quick to make decisions. I have hesitation as to if her teacher is the right one for her personality. I must trust this new teacher with my precious child and hope that she understands the Nyla I know and love. I have a heavy pit - in hopes that Nyla will understand the importance of 5th grade and appraoch it with an open mind. She tends to think she knows it all and I fear this will hurt her this year with school and her peers. How do I teach her the importance of slowing down and absorbing what is given to her?
Jordan - patience of a saint and kindness of a lamb. I know that he is in the best hands at this point in his learning. He has a fascinating teacher who understands and looks past the complete cuteness of him and doesn't bend to his blue eyes. She pushes him ever so gently all in an effort for him to be where he is suppose to be. She believes in him. That is what I need most. Belief that he can do it. That he can succeed as a regular 8 year old. With his new diagnosis of Agenesis Corpus Callosum I have new fears of his future, so many questions with no answers in sight.

What will tomorrow bring....?

I will let you know after tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Hi-New follower :) I hope both Nyla and Jordan's first day back at school went well how is it going now? It is great to hear that Jordan has a great teacher who believes in him and who pushes him (very gently) to do the things she believes he CAN do ... it is a great feeling to know that you have supportive teachers who care about your children. I'd like to learn more about Jordan and his diagnose of ACC. My 3 year old Brianna was diagnosed at 5 months old. Looking forward to more of your blog posts.
